Ear health is often neglected, but taking simple measures to prioritise your hearing wellbeing can make a huge difference to your quality of life. Turning down the volume and following these ten tips will help you stay healthy, happy and safe.
Ear wax is a natural part of your ear canal’s self-cleaning system that helps moisturize the ears and prevent infection. Avoid sticking cotton swabs into the ear canal — doing so can push earwax deeper into the ear.
1. Practice Stress Management Techniques
Stress and anxiety are a part of life, but how you manage it makes all the difference in your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Incorporating meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and a daily walk in nature into your routine can help you relax and reduce the effects of stress hormones on your body.
These healthy habits will also promote blood flow to your ears, keeping them in optimal health. This is especially important because excess moisture in the ear canal creates an environment that breeds bacteria and can lead to infections. Ayurvedic treatments such as a warm oil ear massage can be an effective way to drain your ears and prevent excessive moisture. A qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner will guide you in selecting the best oil for your needs. For best results, apply a few drops of the oil in each ear before sleeping.
2. Avoid Excessive Moisture
Earwax is a natural substance that protects our ears from dust, debris, and harmful microorganisms. However, excessive cleaning or earwax removal can lead to irritation and discomfort.
A dehumidifier or air conditioner can help regulate humidity levels in living and work spaces, making it easier to maintain a healthy moisture balance. Similarly, limiting the duration of headphones and earbud use can help to reduce earwax buildup.
Additionally, listening to music at safe volume levels can help reduce the risk of hearing loss and irritation. If you have a problem with excess earwax, seek professional care for safe and effective removal. Your otolaryngologist can use methods like irrigation or suction to safely remove earwax without causing damage or discomfort. Then, you can enjoy your summer activities with peace of mind!
3. Drain Your Ears After Water Exposure
When water infiltrates the ear canal, it often works its way to the eardrum. When it settles there, sounds become muffled and a person may feel a tickling sensation or pressure in the ears. Trapped water can lead to swimmer’s ear (otitis externa).
Home remedies like jiggling the earlobe or tilting the head tend to help trapped water roll out of the ear. But never stick anything—like cotton swabs or fingers—into your ear canal as this can pack the material deeper into the ear, introduce bacteria and cause injury to the eardrum.
A more effective and safe method is to gently dry the outer ear with a towel after bathing or swimming. Using a blow dryer on the lowest heat setting and keeping it several inches away from the ear will also work. This prevents irritation to the skin in your ear canal and helps reduce the build-up of earwax.
4. Avoid Using Cotton Buds
Cotton swabs (also known as Q-tips) are one of the most common culprits when it comes to damaging your ear canal and causing impacted earwax.
Many health professionals recommend avoiding cotton swabs as they can damage the ear canal and push earwax further into your ear canal, leading to impaction, a blocked earache or ringing in the ears.
A better way to clean your ears is to use a soft cloth or a tissue to gently wipe the exterior of your ears, and the warm water from your daily shower should be enough to soften any earwax and allow it to drain naturally. This method is also safer for babies than using tweezers or safety pins as they could puncture the eardrum. Acute injury to the ear canal or perforation of the eardrum can lead to serious complications and permanent hearing loss.
5. Take Regular Breaks
Taking breaks from listening to music helps your ears recharge so you can enjoy your music more. This is especially important after a night of loud listening or prolonged exposure to noise.
Using a timer as a reminder is a great way to ensure you are taking a break and giving your ears a rest. Also, avoiding rubbing your ears after listening to music will help prevent itching and discomfort. Professionally syringing your ears is also a good option.
6. Wear Earplugs
From concerts to mowing the lawn to working at a factory, noises that exceed a certain decibel level can be damaging to your hearing. For situations where you expect to be exposed to loud noises, wearing earplugs can help mitigate damage, Terry says.
Earplugs are available in many forms, from the disposable options found in drugstores to custom-molded ones that are shaped to fit your ears and provide a comfortable seal. Look for earplugs that are easy to insert and remove, and choose those that are reusable so they can be cleaned regularly.
Be sure to avoid rubbing or scratching your ears while using earplugs, as this can cause them to leak or create an uncomfortable fit. Also, don’t listen to music at high volumes, as this can increase your risk of tinnitus. Instead, listen to music at a moderate volume or use noise-canceling earphones.
7. Practice Quiet Listening
Silence is a vital part of your health and well-being. It can help stimulate your brain and enhance your mental health. It also helps reduce stress and improve productivity.
Experts recommend building “pauses” into your day to reap the benefits of silence. This can include things like taking a technology break, driving without music on or simply spending time unplugged.
It’s also a good idea to avoid listening to music at excessively loud volumes as this can numb your ears and lead to hearing loss over time. In addition, it can increase your risk for developing tinnitus, a condition that causes an annoying ringing in the ears. Instead, try using noise-cancelling headphones to enjoy your favorite tunes at a safe volume. This is a great way to protect your hearing and maintain focus in the office.
8. Take a Bath or Shower
Your ears are invaluable sensory organs that play a crucial role in your overall well-being. Proper care is essential to maintaining optimal hearing health and reducing the risk of tinnitus, balance problems, and hearing loss.
When showering, be sure to use a soft towel to dry the outer ears thoroughly. Avoid using cotton swabs to clean the ears, as these can cause irritation or even push earwax deeper into the ear canal.
Ear wax is a natural self-cleaning process that helps to moisturize the ear, trap dirt and prevent harmful bacteria from entering the eardrum. If you feel that your earwax is too much, contact your healthcare provider for a professional assessment and cleaning.
9. Wear Your Earrings
Earrings are an important accessory for women and girls to help them express their personality and personal style. Whether it is simple studs or bold hoops, earrings can add an element of glamour to any outfit and complement the facial features.
Earrings also draw attention to the neck, a delicate and sensitive area that is an important erogenous zone for many people. This is one of the reasons why so many men find girls and women attractive, particularly if they wear dangling earrings.
However, some types of earrings are better suited for certain facial shapes and face sizes. For example, long earrings can elongate the neck and face and are a good choice for people with long faces or triangular cheeks. In contrast, smaller earrings can make the face look wider. For this reason, it is essential to know your own face shape and the style that best suits it.
10. Clean Your Ears
Ear wax may be a bit icky, but it’s a natural bodily secretion that serves to protect your ears. As earwax moves toward the ear opening, it naturally falls out or gets washed away when you chew and talk.
Avoid sticking pointy objects like cotton swabs or bobby pins in your ears, as this can push the earwax deeper into the ear canal and lead to blockages. You should also refrain from using over the counter ear cleaning products or hydrogen peroxide, as these can damage your eardrum.
Instead, rinse your ears with clean water 10 times a day, especially during the shower. This is one of the best ways to clean your ears without harming your earwax or causing a blockage. If you notice that you still have earwax buildup, it’s important to schedule a professional ear cleaning.