About The Plays

company 300x300 - About The PlaysThe Plays is a perfect place for you to unleash your creative and poetic minds, and contribute to the growing number of brilliant masterpieces. We aim to preserve the beauty and the wisdom of the literary works across all times all around the world. We believe that these literary works, especially the masterpieces of William Shakespeare, the greatest writer of all time, are the world’s most precious treasure which aims to inspire people from all walks of life.

The Plays is a safe haven for literature. We acknowledge the struggles and determination of the writers, novelists, poets and other artists who contributed in expanding creativity and exploring the limitless boundaries of imagination. These literary works will awaken our consciousness about the current situation of the world and everyday living, the cultures and traditions, the rich history and even the personal stories of human experiences.

The Plays believes that the literature masterminds want to disseminate their messages to everyone. Thus, we aim to be your window and access to these literary works. We help in providing a variety of texts from world literature available in several languages and editions.

We envision that more and more individuals will be able to appreciate and understand the essence of life through the works of the brilliant minds and their literary masterpieces.